Year: 2015
Client: Zetema

The setting up of the exhibition “Esposizione Universale Roma. Una città nuova dal fascismo agli anni ’60”, which is part of the initiatives linked to Expo 2015 in Milan, starts from the idea of recreating the suggestions that characterise the district. The out-of-scale urban setting of EUR is evoked by large-format photographs of the district’s symbolic monuments and buildings. These accompany the exhibition route, providing an articulated counterpoint to the rich array of images, drawings, photographs, films and documentaries. The historical sequence of events is reflected in the choice of colours: the first part of the exhibition, referring to the planning and design phase of the district, is characterised by the colour red, reminiscent of the tones and colours used by the regime’s propaganda. The second half of the exhibition, dedicated to the post-war expansion, is dominated by blue.